MetroLALSA Joins Others in Protest to "Dump" Donald Trump From Hosting SNL
On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 and Saturday, November 7, 2015, MetroLALSA joined other prominent and respected Latino organizations, including League of United Latin American Citizens (“LULAC”), National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (“NHLA”), and National Institute for Latino Policy (“NiLP”), in a protest in front of 30 Rockefeller Center to urge Saturday Night Live (“SNL”) to disinvite Donald Trump from hosting the American late-night comedy show.
Trump’s racist remarks on the campaign trail have characterized Latinos and immigrants as rapists, drug dealers, and murderers, which have contributed to real occurrences of violence against Latinos throughout the nation. Chrystina Lopera, President of MetroLALSA, was interviewed by news reporters at the rally, and asserted that Donald Trump hosting SNL was egregious. In part she stated, "I don't think it's funny at all. SNL is a platform to poke fun of a lot things that are going on especially during election but if [Donald Trump] was on the street [making those statements], people would have a serious problem with that." In addition, Luis R. Rodriguez, MetroLALSA VP of Social Action stated, "The statements made by Donald Trump are hateful, bigoted speech and his degrading comments about the Latino community have no place on an iconic American television show." During the rally some of the chants included, "Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go" as well as "El racismo y el odio no es chiste!" and many others.
On Saturday, November 7, 2015, when SNL aired, the Weekend Updates segment of SNL captured MetroLALSA VP of Social Action, Luis Rodriguez, on its show.
To support the movement against media networks providing Donald Trump a national platform for his hateful speech, please use the hashtags, #RacismIsntFunny, #StopTheHate, #BoycottSNL to spread news on social media forums.
About Us
MetroLALSA, Inc. is comprised of Latina/o law students and law graduates from thirteen law schools in New York and New Jersey, and was founded with the principal aim to provide a platform for the Latina/o law community to speak and act on pertinent issues affecting Latina/os in the law.